Thursday, March 29, 2018

Staff Cover Song

Great song!  Even better cover by the VHS Staff!


  1. I enjoyed this it was very entertaining and fun to watch. This has to be one of my favorite videos so far. I hope to see more videos like this but not too many though.

  2. This was the best video of all time. Very creative and entertaining. Hope to see more.

  3. This video was my idea and was put together beautifully by Evy. I thought this video idea would be nice to add into our veritazzfeeds because theres not any like this. This is one of my favorite videos!

  4. I liked the idea of this video. It was a very creative idea with having them sing a song. I bet it took a while to get everyone to say a few lines at a time.

  5. This is my favorite veritasfeed. I love evreything about this video, and I'm honored that I was able to help in the production by following you around like a puppy. Shoutout to Lola!

  6. I think that the idea of this video was great. The production of the video was done well. If there was something done differently, I would suggest to maybe have the teachers read their slips with more enthusiasm.

  7. This one is one of my favorites because it was something new. It was edited very well. We need more like this!


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